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Overcoming Toxic Leadership: 5 Rules for Handling a Toxic Leader (Without Getting Fired.)

Weekly Growth Tip 🚀

Navigate the challenges of toxic leadership in the workplace with this insightful guide, drawing from real-life experiences and offering actionable strategies like setting boundaries, seeking mentorship, and involving HR.

Overcoming Toxic Leadership: 5 Rules for Handling a Toxic Leader (Without Getting Fired.)  

We've all heard the stories about that one boss, the leader who seems more villain than visionary, and more overlord than overseer. My own experience with a toxic leader began shortly after my college graduation, right in the heart of Texas.

I still remember the day I joined a small Texas bank as a Junior Loan Officer flush with excitement and ready to prove myself. The bank's Senior Loan Officer and Sales Manager, Ms. Smith, was the star of the bank. Everyone knew her. From the President of the bank down, she was celebrated for her stellar sales record and held in high esteem. But working closely with her, I quickly discovered her other side, one that many of us in the workplace have unfortunately encountered.

She was a micro-manager with a capital "M" and her impatience and lack of empathy was only surpassed by her knack for public admonishment. As a young banker, every harsh word she made chipped away at my confidence. One outburst was when she erupted in front of my teammates because I didn’t let her know when I returned from lunch. The humiliation stung and such incidents became frequent.

Taking a cue from the oft-quoted advice, "When in doubt, seek counsel," I decided to confide in our Branch Manager. The advice he provided was both shocking and terrifying: confront her, but do so with dignity and respect. When the opportunity (or shall we say, the next incident) presented itself, I took a deep breath and did just that.

The aftermath? Let's just say it was tension-filled. She radiated a cold, silent fury for weeks. But then, something changed. Her demeanor transformed, and her once mean demeanor towards me dissolved. Soon after, with her glowing endorsement, I was promoted to a Bank Officer of the bank.

Toxic leadership, as illustrated by my experience, is a behavior marked by a lack of empathy, respect, and an overwhelming desire for control. But if you ever find yourself in the shadow of such a leader, here's a 5-rule guide inspired by my story to help you navigate:

1. Act Like a Professional: Emotions can run high, but it's crucial to stay calm and collected. Respect yourself enough to demand respect in return.

2. Set Clear Boundaries: Every professional relationship requires boundaries. If these are crossed, it's your right and responsibility to communicate it clearly.

3. Document and Keep Evidence: A record of events can be your safety net if things take a turn for the worse. Be diligent and protect yourself.

4. Cultivate a Support Network: Allies in the workplace can be a source of invaluable support and advice. My Branch Manager was my guiding light. Seek out yours.

5. Seek Help from Human Resources: If all else fails, it's time to involve HR. Approach with professionalism, focusing on the facts and the impact on your work environment.

Weekly Growth Tip: Keep in mind that every workplace and leader is unique, however your right to be respected and work in a positive work environment is universal. With the right approach, you can not only survive but also thrive under challenging leadership. Stay true to yourself and don’t allow anyone override what’s in your best interest. I hope this helps.

If you enjoyed this article, follow me on LinkedIn. I post about personal growth, sales excellence, and leadership.

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